The sheer concept of a metal band from USA playing Celtic tinged songs with dashes of New Wave of British Heavy Metal is on the surface too weird. But where previous releases have struggled, at times, to nail the balance in that sound, on the album Digital Resistance it comes together in way that plain and simply works.

Lead song and title track 'Digital Resistance' kicks off with a weird groove and works out, and leaving aside the opener 'Analogue Avengers/Bertrand Russell's Sex Den' the rest of the album plays out as an intriguing romp through Celtic rock.
'Habaes Corpus' and 'Magical Hooligan' are a duo that sit perched as perfect pair of exemplars of why this album works so well. When the Celtic theme gives way to the straight forward dual guitar rock and metal.
However, there is a lyrical consistency on the album as singer and guitarist Mike Scalzi explains: "The more we indulge in technology and allow it to do everything for us, especially allowing it to think for us (as in the case of looking everything up on your phone or computer rather than trying to remember and retain information), the more physically and mentally "flabby" we become. So there is somewhat of an urgent message, or complaint about this increasingly human tendency."

Somehow what they do shouldn't work, but it always has done, and even more so on this release. The press release accompanying the album points to Grand Magus and Cirith Ungol as points of reference and we wouldn't disagree.
And to sit in such company as these bands is surely their well-earned dues. And, despite the need for expediency in naming a band, we vote they return to their name The Lord Weird Slough Feg, read some more graphic novels about the character SlaĆne (from might get that comic fans) and come over to Ireland north and sough and discover just how they can take the next step towards worldwide warp spasm...
And, if you're not up to speed with that story, suffice to say Slough Feg are worth the effort to listen to.
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