And, on Space Police - Defenders of the Crown the band have showed that this is a following that knows what Euro/Power metal can achieve by lifting the listener and challenging perceptions.
Those that write off Edguy as slightly 'silly' band must not have really taken the time to listen to their output, their musicianship and the more deep themes they explore through metaphors and analogies.
In terms of musicianship and arrangements Space Police is packed with so much that to analyse it all would be pointless - there are few missteps.

The duo of songs that make up the title of the album 'Space Police' and 'Defenders of the Crown' are peerless. Both songs manage to sum up the learning and development of the band. Sammet's vocals are tested and rise to that test, Dirk and Jens weave guitar magic throughout, and a smattering of keyboards add to the high-paced atmosphere.
With their metal poured out on the first three tracks 'Love Tyger' showcases Edguy's hard rock credentials with an infectious bridge and chorus and a riff that many a band in the 80s would have killed for.
However, they quickly move onto a track that bears all the hallmarks of power metal in the shape of 'The Realms of Baba Yaga', which despite what appears a straightforward run through on first listen has subtleties and depth on repeated listens.
'Do Me Like A Caveman' may have a ridiculous title, but lyrically is an intriguing ode to insanity, with real hard rock muscle in the range that all the musicians explore and a tasty but brief solo from Jens.
'Shadow Eaters' is a run through at full tilt, pulling out all the proverbial stops, followed by the obligatory power ballad on 'Alone In Myself'.
But the real revelation on the album is closer 'The Eternal Wayfarer' that pours pomp on to the power metal; with echoes of Zeppelin and Floyd reverberating, along with an insistent riff that keeps on giving and well structured solos. This almost nine minute long song should be a crowd pleaser live, and with both its melodies and its strength in an arrangement that allows real breath to the theme.
Space Police is almost the complete Edguy album....but there is an aberration in the middle: a ridiculously over the top cover of Falco's hit 'Rock Me Amadeus'. This detracts somewhat from the album's sinuous depths, and would have been best kept as a 'B' side, or reserved as a live surprise track. That said it is an enjoyable song - but it breaks up the running of the album that begins with the riffage of 'Sabre & Torch'.
Setting aside '...Amadeus' Space Police is a complete showcase of Edguy's development as a band. The hard rock elements are nicely balanced with the power metal themes and occasional symphonic arrangements. What this shows is a band comfortable with their songwriting and confident to put the lessons of their previous nine albums into the mix.
Production on Space Police is nicely done, with space for all the instruments to work out, without over-crowding the clean sound.
It may seem a strange statement to make about a band now 20 years into their career, but Space Police - Defenders of the Crown could be a breakthrough for Edguy in new territories and new fanbases, not least the UK and US. That is unless the unwary are put off by the slightly mad retro sci-fi album cover....
Space Police - Defenders of the Crown is available now on Nuclear Blast.
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