Deft Leppard at The Empire, Saturday, 4th February, 2006, now when Da proper Lepps play their World Tour, we'll see if they are quite so tubby.... :)
ESTABLISHED 2006 We have hard rock in our hearts, the pulse of punk in our veins, and heads banging to molten heavy metal!
'TUBBY'were you there jonny???????? obviously the photos dont do them justice......unlike you i was there,although it was more for the music,but tubby ,defo not,'fit' yes,but thats only the opinion of a woman.....
Lets face it if you want a band of slim pretty boys,watch westlife.
Slim pretty boys not my thang :) Just goes to show that a little beef is a problem for all budding rock stars - at The Darkness Justin proudly displayed his beer belly...And yep, only interested in the music too - after all some of the bands I like aren't the skinniest :) Any news on whether the real Lepps are playing Belfast?
Well i will thank you not to slag deft leppard off then :)I know if someone was doing that to me publicly i wouldnt like it.As for the real lepps playing belfast havent heard anything,but do know the trib band are coming back sept/oct and defo would not miss them...an excellent night out!
Ach was just bantering, won't make any more comments then, but will go to see them, on your recommendation in the autumn
I'll believe that when i see it..
So will i, so will i...
Well dont say you will go then unless you mean it.......you might be too busy,coz lets face it its only rubbish bands your never too busy to go and see......not that it bothers me anymore,i have just stopped askin you to gigs and parties.......
awwww, don't be like that : just been a mad time - and daughter drags me to those concerts :) tho' I do confess to being willing to accompany, tough job and all that. And I will make a commitment to go see Deft Leppard in the autumn thanks to your high recommendation!
Deft leppard to play the Empire on the 16th September.......
It's in my diary! Saturday, 19th September!
Hiya Sylvia, met your little friend Maggie at Snakebyte the other night.Freaked her out a little bit when I twigged on to who she was and she had'nt a clue who I was !! Had a laugh anyway. And she liked the DC and Doug pix too !!
Hi Colin - think I should clarif, Sylvia who posts on tis site is different from the Sylvia who is a mate of Maggie...all will become clear young Jedi, when the Force is strong in you, relax and feel the confusion youngling, concentrate Luke, allow the Force to feel the....awww fuck it mate, you'll end up as confused as me...Sylvia and Mark you met at Deft Leppard, Maggie and Sylvia, different altogether!
Aaaahhhhh !! Need to go and lie down in a quiet dark room with a cold compress on my head. I'm getting a very sore head now, Nurse, the lights !! Life is never simple when women are involved is it ?? lol.
Too rite i'm different......i dont hit bands effects pedals whilst theyre in the middle of a guitar solo(might pull guitar players of the stage,but hey only human)lol
I'm the married one who goes to gigs with her husband!
sylvia(married one) lol
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