A big thanks to the three wee fuckers that spoiled my weekend in too many ways to mention by kicking the shit out of me on the way home. Yep, they decided that there was a game played by spides called stick the metalhead. I decided not to play that game and after kicking out at scrote with knife they were most annoyed and decided to kick the metalhead instead. Well, can't say that I gave as good as I got against three...but at least one will be limping for a very long time :) a very long time!
Here's the bake they left me with:

Please tell me that you reported this to the fed's and have been to see a solicitor as well. Where there any cctv camera's about that area that might have got it on tape ??
Thanks Colin and 'Slinger for your messages of support, and to everyone who offered support and synpathy as well as laughter. And can I once and for all deny that I got the kicking in a failed attempt to join Lordi in time for Eurovision...they said my bake would have frightened the judges a little more than the devil wings :)
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