More gig news...Bon Jovi Experience may be on Saturday night at Empire, Glyder may be at the Rotterdam on April 27th, and now to add to the logjam before the real Bon Jovi, DevilDriver/Testament; Gunners and Avenged Sevenfold and Metallica and Korn, word reaches Belfast Metal Reunited's hallowed halls of yet another gig...
Alice Cooper plays Dublin's Vicar Street on 31st May. Tickets on sale on Thursday...
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Lizzy in Glasgow

Thanks to Samby for providing the set list from Thin Lizzy's Glasgow date on the 20/20 tour, as well as some pix! Much obliged (read more Lizzy material on her blog).
Set list:
- Whiskey In The Jar
- Do Anything You Want To Do
- Chinatown
- Waiting For An Alibi
- Cold Sweat
- Jailbreak
- Sha La La
- Emerald
- Warrior
- Still In Love With You
- Suicide
- Bad Reputation
- Are You Ready
- Dont Believe A Word
- Cowboy Song
- Boys Are Back In Town
- Dancin In The Moonlight
- Rosalie
- Black Rose
Therapy? on ATL
Ha - at last ATL TV (for those not in NI a local TV music show...) has something decent on it - a biopic on Therapy? Excellent back story on the band, and a half decent live performance, but where the hell did they get that audience! And why so few of them! C'mon BBC, with a wee bit of effort that studio could have been jam-packed with fans; and fans that would have raised the rafters rather than whimpering! FFS, no pit, barely three hands throwing the horns, and nobody headbanging or even pogoing! Jesus, it's meant to be rock n fucking roll, not the Archers!
Saturday, March 25, 2006
'Tallica tribute
Kerrang! next week features a CD tribute to the classic Plastered Muppets album with a variety of bands offering their interpretation. Check out the listing here
'Force fed metal....
Guitar and bass
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Don't forget...(plus Deftones news)
Don't forget Maiden tickets go on sale on Saturday, and Rottfest 666 tickets are on sale in April. Plus news that the Deftones are playing the Mandela Hall on 6th July, Cult of Luna are playing in the Limelight in April - and specially for you Samby, Glyder are playing the Rotterdam on April 27th....and for those of you who enjoyed their set supporting Dragonforce, Triggerman are playing at the Rotterdam tomorrow (Thursday, 23rd March)
Busy metal days ahead \m/
Busy metal days ahead \m/
Monday, March 20, 2006
Pic appeal
Things have almost calmed down since Dragonforce. Almost...
As Belfast Metal Reunited's usual photographer was unavailable through illness, if you have any pix you managed to snatch among the mayhem at the Spring and Airbrake and want to share them with a wider audience, send them on to us and we'll put them online for you.
Special mention goes to everyone there and especially Baal, who departed the gig to grab a couple of hours kip before flying off with Sambby at some ungodly hour to see Thin Lizzy in Newcastle, and Glasgow the next day - true rock 'n' roll trooper!
As Belfast Metal Reunited's usual photographer was unavailable through illness, if you have any pix you managed to snatch among the mayhem at the Spring and Airbrake and want to share them with a wider audience, send them on to us and we'll put them online for you.
Special mention goes to everyone there and especially Baal, who departed the gig to grab a couple of hours kip before flying off with Sambby at some ungodly hour to see Thin Lizzy in Newcastle, and Glasgow the next day - true rock 'n' roll trooper!
May the 'Force be always with Belfast
When you have as many metal years behond you as the Belfast Metal Reunited team, you can become cynical. When a band proclaims Belfast as it's favourite place to play, or declares that we are an 'outrageous' crowd you can laugh into your pint and think to paraphrase Jim Steinman, "I bet they say that to all the boys/girls/crowds".
From speaking to Trivium recently, they really do think that. And after Sunday's Dragonforce gig there can be few in the sell-out crowd that can doubt that band's sincerity.
It was, of course, the second time they ended a European Tour in l'il ole Belfast - and it was the second time that Belfast rocked the 'Force.
From set-opener Cry for Eternity, through to closer Valley of the Damned (naturally!) they laid down a ferocious and twisted set of crowd pleasers, laced with banter and impromptu asides.
ZP seemed in thrall to the crowd's energy at times, even when the pace slowed momentarily for Trail of Broken Hearts.
As a closer to the European tour the band were letting their hair down a little, and the beer and JD was flowing freely on stage and off. ZP even went as far as apologising for the sols that wre a little off as the set wore on.
But the singalongs didn't abate for one minute, as well as the chant for your favourite guitarist bit, that saw Sam and Hermann compete for crowd, err, favours.
As beer took it's toll on Sam the face pulling became ever more elaborate - the man can gurn as well as solo...
By the time Valley rolled around the exhausted crowd managed one last bounce, one last chantalong, one last round of raised hands.
What a night for extreme metal, and yes, ZP, even us ancient wrinlkly rockers can agree that the future of metal seems safe now!
May the (Dragon)Force be with you, and may the Force return to Belfast as soon as possible.
Few words for Triggerman, Derry support for Dragonforce. Workmanlike at times they raised their stoner game for the last two songs, Preacher of Rock and Worms. Keep at it lads!
From speaking to Trivium recently, they really do think that. And after Sunday's Dragonforce gig there can be few in the sell-out crowd that can doubt that band's sincerity.
It was, of course, the second time they ended a European Tour in l'il ole Belfast - and it was the second time that Belfast rocked the 'Force.
From set-opener Cry for Eternity, through to closer Valley of the Damned (naturally!) they laid down a ferocious and twisted set of crowd pleasers, laced with banter and impromptu asides.
ZP seemed in thrall to the crowd's energy at times, even when the pace slowed momentarily for Trail of Broken Hearts.
As a closer to the European tour the band were letting their hair down a little, and the beer and JD was flowing freely on stage and off. ZP even went as far as apologising for the sols that wre a little off as the set wore on.
But the singalongs didn't abate for one minute, as well as the chant for your favourite guitarist bit, that saw Sam and Hermann compete for crowd, err, favours.
As beer took it's toll on Sam the face pulling became ever more elaborate - the man can gurn as well as solo...
By the time Valley rolled around the exhausted crowd managed one last bounce, one last chantalong, one last round of raised hands.
What a night for extreme metal, and yes, ZP, even us ancient wrinlkly rockers can agree that the future of metal seems safe now!
May the (Dragon)Force be with you, and may the Force return to Belfast as soon as possible.
Few words for Triggerman, Derry support for Dragonforce. Workmanlike at times they raised their stoner game for the last two songs, Preacher of Rock and Worms. Keep at it lads!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Triggerman support for the 'Force
Derry, self-confessed Stoner Rock outfit Triggerman are support for Dragonforce...seemingly Edguy are in Japan and unable to fit us into their schedule...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Feel the 'Force
Sunday's sold-out Dragonforce concert at the Spring & Airbrake looks like being a scorcher. Disappointed though we may all be that the guitar solos on trampolines won't be taking place owing to the low ceiling at the venue, it appears that the extreme power metal outfit will still manage one or two antics - one possibly involving an over-sized hair dryer...
See ya all there!
See ya all there!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Rottfest 666
Belfast's first ever open air metal festival - and first ever proper metal festival full stop - will be held at Barrow Square, Clarendon Dock on the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year of the new millennium - yep, it's Rottfest 666!
Headlining are Devildriver with four local acts already announced and two more international acts ready to be announced soon...
This will be a festival that will be hella enjoyable for all metalheads, but more importantly, if is well supported it could be the first of many!
So take the day off work/school/dole, and get ready for some metal joy - it may not be as big as Download, but it's a start (and what a way to prepare for Gunners, Crue and 'Tallica!)
Tickets are to go on sale in April.
The local bands announced so far are:
Headlining are Devildriver with four local acts already announced and two more international acts ready to be announced soon...
This will be a festival that will be hella enjoyable for all metalheads, but more importantly, if is well supported it could be the first of many!
So take the day off work/school/dole, and get ready for some metal joy - it may not be as big as Download, but it's a start (and what a way to prepare for Gunners, Crue and 'Tallica!)
Tickets are to go on sale in April.
The local bands announced so far are:
- Bad Boat
- Stand Up Guy
- Honey for Christ
- Residual Effect
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Metal across the pond
It's not unusual to find metal in the strangest of places...even in work!
Today during what is loosely called a cultural exchange my workplace (that's the place that pays the mortgage...) hosted 47 Canadian students. Amongst them fans of rock and metal.
Engaging them in conversation it was clear that while we think we have a hard time travelling from Belfast to Dublin for gigs, we have nothing on these guys!
Hailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, a Euopean or US metal band rolls by about once in a blue moon. And if they want to travel to Toronto or Montreal to worship at the altar of metal, it's a 15 hour car journey there - and back! Makes our 2-hour jaunt to Dublin seem a piss in the park!
Hi to Sean and everyone for dropping into NICCY, hope you enjoy your stay in Belfast and, hey guys not my fault your going home on Saturday and Dragnforce are playing on Sunday...
Today during what is loosely called a cultural exchange my workplace (that's the place that pays the mortgage...) hosted 47 Canadian students. Amongst them fans of rock and metal.
Engaging them in conversation it was clear that while we think we have a hard time travelling from Belfast to Dublin for gigs, we have nothing on these guys!
Hailing from Halifax, Nova Scotia, a Euopean or US metal band rolls by about once in a blue moon. And if they want to travel to Toronto or Montreal to worship at the altar of metal, it's a 15 hour car journey there - and back! Makes our 2-hour jaunt to Dublin seem a piss in the park!
Hi to Sean and everyone for dropping into NICCY, hope you enjoy your stay in Belfast and, hey guys not my fault your going home on Saturday and Dragnforce are playing on Sunday...
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sabs in Hallf of Fame honour
Black Sabbath are to be inducted into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame (belatedly, is deservedly so). 'Tallica are doing the honours, read the post from their site here
Monday, March 06, 2006
Pix from interview with Paolo
Trivium - are they as good as the hype?
In less than a year Trivium have been transferred from metal hopefuls to potential metal gods. When they took to the stage at Belfast's Ulster Hall on March 5th, there were still a few doubters in the crowd as to whether they could ascend to the hallowed acclaim of true contenders.
A savagely ripped audience, utterly exhausted, filed out into the Belfast night, after the Floridian quartet took their bows to the strains of Queen's We Are The Champions. The houselights were up, but still the band were receiving plaudits.
And those plaudits were well deserved.
The case for the Trivium naysayers has always been that they were technically good but all that growling was a wee bit much. For the backers it has always been that this is but one part of the band's rich musical tapestry.
And it was indeed a rich musical feast that was served up....okay that's enough metal reviewer clichés - Trivium fucking rocked like a bastard dog on heat and ready to take on all comers.
It was somehow weird to find out they are really nice guys. Belfast Metal Reunited hooked up with bassist Paolo before the show for an interview with another publication and guess what - top bloke!
Was this the same man who took to the stage with his compadres and ripped it up? Yeah, and what a nice guy - signing autographs, chatting, posing for pics.
That was at 5.30, just after a tough soundcheck and news that Matt's voice was struggling under the relentles touring schedule.
Four hours later Paolo was laying down tight rhythms with drummer Travis while Matt and Corey wove intricate guitar patterns.
From set opener through Ember, Gunshot and a host of others the band were conductors to mayhem on the floor, with circle pits breaking out, mad bouncing and voices raised in yells of delight.
Set closer Dying in Your Arms was greeted with a mass singalong, before a surprise encore selection. Hold tight, because when the band returned to the stage they riffed to Van Halen, Thin Lizzy, Blink 182 (seriously!), Dio, Pantera and ripped into storming versions of 'Deth's Symphony and 'Tallica's Seek and Destroy. And that was before bringing a member of the crowd up to singalong a 'Tallica for a storming version of Master of Puppets. (and didn't he do well folks...)
The night ended with Pull Harder on the Strings...and an exhausted crowd managed one last pit, one last chantalong-a-Trivium. And fuck was it FUN! As good as the hype? Much, much better!
The night had opened with a strong effort from Mendeed. The audience were obviously unfamiliar with the songs, but still managed to raise a fist or two.
God Forbid were the special guests - and remember Trivium used to support them - and managed to raise chants and have their name drawn out of what could have been a very partisan crowd.
They played a goodly selection from '...Treason' and Corey proved that as a frontman, he was more than earned his stripes working the crowd and glaring and grinning in equal manner. There was a vague hint they'd be back. Seems like they might get a decent crowd!
And before this review ends, big credit to Martin, tour manager - sound as a pound and nice as ninepence - a man of talent, courtesy and diplomacy. Cheers mate!
A savagely ripped audience, utterly exhausted, filed out into the Belfast night, after the Floridian quartet took their bows to the strains of Queen's We Are The Champions. The houselights were up, but still the band were receiving plaudits.
And those plaudits were well deserved.
The case for the Trivium naysayers has always been that they were technically good but all that growling was a wee bit much. For the backers it has always been that this is but one part of the band's rich musical tapestry.
And it was indeed a rich musical feast that was served up....okay that's enough metal reviewer clichés - Trivium fucking rocked like a bastard dog on heat and ready to take on all comers.
It was somehow weird to find out they are really nice guys. Belfast Metal Reunited hooked up with bassist Paolo before the show for an interview with another publication and guess what - top bloke!
Was this the same man who took to the stage with his compadres and ripped it up? Yeah, and what a nice guy - signing autographs, chatting, posing for pics.
That was at 5.30, just after a tough soundcheck and news that Matt's voice was struggling under the relentles touring schedule.
Four hours later Paolo was laying down tight rhythms with drummer Travis while Matt and Corey wove intricate guitar patterns.
From set opener through Ember, Gunshot and a host of others the band were conductors to mayhem on the floor, with circle pits breaking out, mad bouncing and voices raised in yells of delight.
Set closer Dying in Your Arms was greeted with a mass singalong, before a surprise encore selection. Hold tight, because when the band returned to the stage they riffed to Van Halen, Thin Lizzy, Blink 182 (seriously!), Dio, Pantera and ripped into storming versions of 'Deth's Symphony and 'Tallica's Seek and Destroy. And that was before bringing a member of the crowd up to singalong a 'Tallica for a storming version of Master of Puppets. (and didn't he do well folks...)
The night ended with Pull Harder on the Strings...and an exhausted crowd managed one last pit, one last chantalong-a-Trivium. And fuck was it FUN! As good as the hype? Much, much better!
The night had opened with a strong effort from Mendeed. The audience were obviously unfamiliar with the songs, but still managed to raise a fist or two.
God Forbid were the special guests - and remember Trivium used to support them - and managed to raise chants and have their name drawn out of what could have been a very partisan crowd.
They played a goodly selection from '...Treason' and Corey proved that as a frontman, he was more than earned his stripes working the crowd and glaring and grinning in equal manner. There was a vague hint they'd be back. Seems like they might get a decent crowd!
And before this review ends, big credit to Martin, tour manager - sound as a pound and nice as ninepence - a man of talent, courtesy and diplomacy. Cheers mate!
Paolo - cool dude bassist provides early tip-off
Paolo - bassist of Trivium, nice guy, top bloke and cooler than a Penguins gonads, confirmed (exclusively to Belfast Metal Reunited...) that Trivium will be supporting Iron Maiden at the Point in Dublin on December 20th- yep that's right, the date that Belfast Metal Reunited exclusively revealed almost a week ago; before anyone else. Ta Paolo, see ya then!
Trivium sought, Trivium destroyed (the Ulster Hall)
So, this Trivium band, they any good? So asked one bemused bystander as the hordes gathered outside the Ulster Hall on a cold Sunday evening. Are they fuck! They're fucking awesome.
After all, when it comes right down to it, you have to have balls the size of small moons to arrive on stage to We Will Rock You and leave it to We Are the Champions; and throw in more covers than you can shake a head to, including Seek and Destroy, Symphony, Walk, Jailbreak, Holy Diver and grab some muppet (well done to that man) to sing along to Master of Puppets.
Full review when neck, back, and hands recover (later on), pix from Colin later this week, and interview with the most cool, most dead on and well respected Paolo in Brat Magazine on March 23rd.
Hi to all the VCB crew for staying with it, especially to all who had a concert debut.
After all, when it comes right down to it, you have to have balls the size of small moons to arrive on stage to We Will Rock You and leave it to We Are the Champions; and throw in more covers than you can shake a head to, including Seek and Destroy, Symphony, Walk, Jailbreak, Holy Diver and grab some muppet (well done to that man) to sing along to Master of Puppets.
Full review when neck, back, and hands recover (later on), pix from Colin later this week, and interview with the most cool, most dead on and well respected Paolo in Brat Magazine on March 23rd.
Hi to all the VCB crew for staying with it, especially to all who had a concert debut.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Maiden's big hearts
Iron Maiden have again demonstrated just how thoughtful and caring they are. According to a leading Sunday paper here (I'll post the link here to the story when I get back from Trivium) Maiden have offered their support to the family of murdered teenager Thomas Devlin, who died last year.
Thomas, whose life was tragically ended by some of the scumsucker assholes who populate this town was a metal fan, and a huge fan of Maiden.
Our thoughts are with his family and hope that the memory of Thomas will comfort them. You can visit the website in memory of their son here
Thomas, whose life was tragically ended by some of the scumsucker assholes who populate this town was a metal fan, and a huge fan of Maiden.
Our thoughts are with his family and hope that the memory of Thomas will comfort them. You can visit the website in memory of their son here
Trivium tonight
Trivium tonight - Ulster Hall, see ya there \ii/
And a sign that the New uncrowned as yet Kings of metal are set to ascend the throne...even the snoozeville Sunday papers in this part of the world are carrying previews...although a certain hack might have been nagging them. L'il ol' me? Mmmm, could be!
God Forbid supporting tonight, with Blood Simple
And a sign that the New uncrowned as yet Kings of metal are set to ascend the throne...even the snoozeville Sunday papers in this part of the world are carrying previews...although a certain hack might have been nagging them. L'il ol' me? Mmmm, could be!
God Forbid supporting tonight, with Blood Simple
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