Thursday, September 15, 2005

How can I afford all this - an appeal

Dear Belfast Metal Reunited reader. It is with heavy heart I make this post. Cuz, at the rate of current great concerts appearing in future listings I will soon not be able to eat. Yes, in order to keep up with the pace, all thoughts of food will now be gone.

Not only do we have Trivium, Dio, Dragonforce, etc, we now have Foo Fighters announcing a Dublin date at the Point on (20th December, tickets on sale 16th September); HIM annoucing a Dublin date(January)...It just simply isn't possible for your faithful blogger to keep up!

And that's not even counting the My Chemical Romance date in November...

Please give generously to this appeal - cash or beer tokens gratefully accepted :)

Til then I'm off to see Limehouse Lizzy on Saturday night at the Empire!


  1. Anonymous3:01 pm

    F**k you managed to give Limehouse Lizzy a mention,if thats what you cud call it,What about The Bon Jovi Experience??? You are sad if you are giong to any of the rubbish (apart from Dio,Limehouse Lizzy)that you just mentioned.


  2. Rubbish! I take umbridge and am all hurt and insulted :)

  3. Anonymous9:41 am

    Well i see theres still no mention of the bon jovi exp!!!!You think you'd be used to being insulted by now. :o)


  4. Ok, I'll mention the Jon Pun Jabi Experience next time

  5. Anonymous11:40 am

    Jon Pun Jabi exp,Whatever!! you havent a clue about good music.Sad really!

  6. Anonymous5:46 pm

    A simple tip on how to afford it J, stop spending your money on shite CD's, just wait until a good one comes out, but after reading wot you said about the new Jovi CD I'm not sure you'd know a good rock CD if it fell outa the sky and hit you on the head! You're losing the plot I think :)MB

  7. The plot was lost year's ago m8! But still, I still rock to the old stuff, just like to dabble in the new shit every now and again - I mean Trivium, Mastodon and Aevnged Sevenfold kick all sorts of metal ass. When it comes right down to it, when I were lad and Hovis ads were still on TV I listened to what was the new shit; like Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer etc, while sniffy old 'uns remarked that the new wave just wasn't up to the likes of Purple, Skynyrd and Lizzy. Truth be told all rock and metal can live together.

    Anyway I've decided I can't be a true Biffy Clyro would take too fucking long to grow a beard!

  8. Anonymous4:45 pm

    Ha Ha, you in a Billy Gibbons beard, now there's an idea for halloween if ever i heard one :)

    Must be a dinosaur myself cos I aint willing to change or listen to new shit, thankfully I don't have to cos there's so much good old stuff!
