Friday, September 22, 2006

Oh bugger!

Oh bugger, there may be more costs ahead!. Scanning through the upcoming plethora of concerts, I'd decided that with three trips to Dublin before Christmas already committed to, I would give Tool on 22nd November as miss. Much as like James Maynard Keenan's inrticate waffling, 10,000 Days was not the album that it could have been.

Then Mastodon announce they are lined up as support. The bastards! After they release a stunning album in the shape of Blood Mountain, they go and decide to play in Dublin!

How's the average humble rocker and metalhead meant to keep up? Time to launch the Ageing Metalheads with Mortgages Benevolent Fund. Donations, in brown envelopes, cash only, used notes, non-sequential numbers to the usual address.....


  1. shameless plug accepted and aknowledged - will add you to me myspace friends listypoo. As for Tool - man will have to sell one of the children and a parent or two to afford all the gigs coming up. Is there a bus going to Dub?

    Also - about support bands - I did have a wee rant about this earlier ( but it's not as bad as the 80s when we suffered at the hands of Driveshaft, Rogue Male and a host of other wannabes, plus an incarnation of Ashanti every other week :)

  2. Anonymous11:01 am

    haha dont forget about Deicide playin dublin in januruary!!!! im bouncin gat the thought of it

  3. "Errrrggggggg arrrrgggg, eerrrrggggg arrggggg" was Glenn Benton's reply when asked about inclusion here - I'll take that as a yes and put it in appropriately Ciara,but I did promise Glenn I wouldn't mention branding or suicide pacts...shit, just did!
